Member Area
Q: What's required of members of the MI Council?
A: Completion and annual update of the registration form and payment of the associated nominal fee by Sep 30 of each year. We encourage use of the online membership form listed below, but a paper form is also available. We request (but don't require) your participation on the MI Council and at the annual convention.
- The 2024-2025 online form is found here.
- The 2024-2025 paper form is found here.
- The 2025-2026 online form will be available mid May.
- The 2025-2026 paper form will be available mid May.
Q: What are the benefits of membership on the MI Council?
A: The following paragraphs speak to services provided to members of the MI Council. Other than the optional insurance, all services are free of charge.
Michigan Calendar - Member clubs can submit club events to be placed on the Michigan Calendar. Read the calendar page for information on submitting events.
Michigan Dance Flyers - Member clubs can put flyers of club events on the website. Read the flyer page for information on submitting flyers.
THE MICHIGANDER - The Michigan Council of Square and Round Dance Clubs publishes a bi-monthly newsletter. Contact the Michigander editor at
Trailer for use in Parades - The Council has a trailer for dancing in a parade. If your club is a member of MI Council and you'd like to borrow this trailer, please complete this form.
Class Information - Member clubs can submit class information by completing this form. We will also accept requests from non-member clubs sponsoring classes targeted to the new dancer as broadening our dancer base is so important to our activity.
Guidelines for Receiving Funds - for the purpose of increasing the number of square dancers, round dancers, callers and cuers, as well as supporting current clubs. Combined guideline document and application form are found here.
Club Insurance - Clubs that belong to the Michigan Council can choose to obtain insurance through the United Square Dancers of America. This is not required. MI Council does NOT provide insurance, but we aggregate requests to make it easier for the USDA and us (A dancer only has to be insured by one club and we save the clubs money by avoiding duplicate registrations).
Procedures for enrolling in the USDA insurance program have changed. Instructions will be available soon. In the meantime, please contact the Council Insurance Chair, Harvey Slager ( for instructions.